Monday, November 17, 2008

Thanks for another great season!

Hey there!, once again it has been about a year since I have blogged, sorry about that but there is not much time to blog in gardening land. Well back to the point. I just want to thank each and every one of you that have supported our dreams for the past years we have been a part of the farmers market. As you have seen our new greenhouse is up and functional and lots of improvements have been made to the property. We are striving to get things cleaned up so access is easier for all of us. Our hours this year were not convenient for lots of you, we do apologize for any inconvenience we may have caused anyone. We have a few reasons for this, one is we are still building and trying to get as much done as possible and the other is, Zack and I got married in late August which took a lot of planing this year, unfortunately taking away from some hours of opening. Now that our wedding went off without a hitch, we can get back to the grind and be open to the public on a consistent hourly schedule. We are aiming to be open by February, and having cold weather vegetable starts and other spring plants. Due to the volume of requests for veggie starts, we will be focusing next year on edible plants & herbs more than we have in the past. We will have available at the nursery more flowering plants than we bring to the market because of limited space. Hopefully we will have some extra produce to sell at the nursery as well. Thanks again for your support and we will see you next year!


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